
Agostino Di Scipio (born in Naples, Italy, 1962). Composer, sound artist and scholar, Di Scipio explores experimental methods in the generation and transmission of sound, often involving phenomena of emergence and chaotic dynamics. His recent efforts include live-electronics concert works and sound installations where ‘man-machine-environment’ networks are implemented and creatively elaborated (e.g.: the Audible Ecosystemics pieces, and the more recent Modes of Interference series). DAAD artist in residence (Berlin, 2004-2005), Di Scipio mainly works in his independent studio in L’Aquila and occasionally joins the facilities offered by institutions such as ZKM (Karlsruhe, 2005-2006) and IMEB (Bourges, 2003 and 2005).
Since 2001 Di Scipio is serving as professor in Electronic Music Composition at the Conservatory of Naples. He also served as Edgar Varése Professor at Technische Universität (Berlin, 2007-2008), as lecturer in live-electronics composition at CCMIX (Paris, 2001-2007) and as visiting professor in several institutions including a.o. IRCAM (2013), the University of Illinois, Urbana (2004), the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2004), Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Vancouver, 1993) and Sibelius Academy (Helsinki, 1995).